I don't know if there is any nice way to blog about this. All I can say is, forgive me for trampling on your die hard personal opinions (if you still maintain those personal opinions after reading the EFF article)... but, here I go.
After Geohot released a hypervisor hack that made installing Linux software on PS3 a breeze (included here since I have no respect for Sony at all), Sony countered by releasing an upgrade for the PS3 console that downgrades the console - it completely removes the hypervisor function. Here's what makes this action by Sony suck even more. If you decline to upgrade (should we be calling this an upgrade when it involves the removal of a feature?), it effectively disables the console.
If you decline to upgrade your PS3, the console will no longer play PS3 games online anymore, you will not be able to watch video online anymore, it will be impossible to play new PS3 games, it will be impossible to watch new Blu-Ray videos, and new Blu-Ray discs could even disable the Blu-Ray drive completely.
What makes this worse in my eyes is the eagerness that Sony rushes in to rape their entire customer base over the actions of distinct minority.
I've have never liked Sony. And, simply because they decided to fleece their customers in this way, I will never trust them again. Even if this software issue gets resolved so that no harm is done to the consumers, I still won't trust Sony because they did this in the first place. Why should you trust a company that decides to harm their customers so eagerly?