The game is Star Wars: Saga Edition. When we first began the game, the one thing I knew was that I didn't know much. Various things were later uncovered that proved this; we initially rolled the stats for our characters wrong which made them much weaker than they should have been; not even our GM fully understood how to use Destiny Points; we accidentally played the first game with unlimited force powers, and after we had gotten ourselves into a serious situation switched to the correct rules which severely handicapped us.
Still, I enjoyed playing. Despite our mistakes, we kept it fun. There were no rule Nazis among us. We just played and had fun and if we made mistakes we learned as we went.
I maximized the learning part for myself. I downloaded the Saga Edition rulebook and read the huge manual 4 times between our games. I immediately discovered a few glitches in my character which immensely helped my gameplay. I was still having troubles in my play though. I went back home and scoured the rulebook for character-specific traits and discovered I had forgotten to write any of those class traits down - did I mention we were all a bunch of n00bs at the beginning?
Anyway, long story short... I was a perfect light-side Jedi until the last game. I ended up dying and had to use Darkside Heal to get back up and continue fighting. I got back up to help save my friends, but I still ended up shifting towards the dark side, a shift I couldn't correct even though I tried repeatedly to get rid of the dark points. This only equated to a slight shift towards the dark side, but I was still essentially neutral. Our GM told us that there is a penalty in going dark side (even slightly) and that is that the Jedi will begin trying to hunt us down.
During the last couple play sessions, other characters lost their lives and got to make new characters. Some of our other players died in absolutely gruesome ways! One of our Jedi was ripped into an indeterminable number of pieces by a VERY LARGE carnivore. Another took a Mandalorian missile at point blank range right in the chest.
I was really happy with my last character, despite his flaws. I turned my character into a battle-tank character by level 4, with over 100HP. I really wanted to make a new character (using all my knowledge I had now to make a better character), but I didn't want to die.
I'm happy to say... I didn't die. I ended up needing to make a new character after my last (slightly darkside) character was captured by the Jedi on Coruscant. My last character is in jail, basically, awaiting re-education that will shift him back to the light. Maybe my character will come back later... I don't know.
I have two things to gloat about. I didn't die! And, having applied all the knowledge I gained previously, my current level-1 character is amazing!