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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

It Used To Be... Science Fiction

Google Inc. Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Office Dr. Eric Schmidt took to the keynote stage at IFA today to preview new technologies – including tools for Android-powered smartphones that translate conversations from one language to another as you speak.
This blogger would like to remind people that these technologies were considered the realm of science fiction only a decade ago.

Remember the Universal Translator of the Star Trek series? Say hello to Google-inspired "Voice-to-voice translation". It's not working yet, but at least someone is working on it. Google claims that it should be ready within a couple years.

While we're on the science-fiction curve with Star Trek... do you remember the Tricorder - the perpetual palm pilot of every away mission the crew went on? Those are already a reality with smartphones, the Google Droid leading the market. Smartphones help people by displaying data over photographs or video input in real time. A good example of this augmented reality is Google Maps with Street View.
Smartphones are truly becoming smarter and easier to use as well. New Droids, being produced right now by Google, offer voice command capability with the eventual goal of making it possible for you to get any piece of data or even TV program with a single voice command.

Schmidt said "more than 200,000 Android-powered smartphones are activated every day, and the Internet will soon deliver information to three or four billion people, not just the elite," via smartphones.
What are some other things that Schmidt envisions for the future?
"Your car should be able to drive itself! After all, your car knows where it is, knows where the other cars are and where it should be going."
"A near-term future in which you don’t forget anything, because the computer remembers. You’re never lost."
"We’re about to see a new age of augmented humanity, when computers will make it possible for us to do what we really want to do."

What about you. What would like to see in the near future?

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