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Monday, September 14, 2009

What's Your Wikiality

wikiality n.
Reality as defined by a consensus, particularly in a collaborative endeavor or by majority vote such as Wikipedia.
Origin: a Stephen Colbert-inspired "word of the year," Wikiality is a blend of the words Wikipedia and reality

"Any user can change any entry and if enough other users agree with them, it becomes true. ... If only the entire body of human knowledge worked this way. And it can, thanks to tonight's 'Word': Wikiality. Now I'm no fan of reality, and I'm no fan of encyclopedias. I've said it before: Who is Britannica to tell me that George Washington had slaves? If I want to say he didn't, that's my right. And now, thanks to Wikipedia, it's also a fact. We should apply these principles to all information. All we need to do is convince a majority of people that some factoid is true."
Stephen Colbert, "The Word,"
The Colbert Report, July 31, 2006
Reality by common vote...

So now that I've discovered that I can change my reality by convincing enough people that my version of reality is the correct one... I propose the following changes be made to reality.

#1 Lasagna should recieve it's own holiday or special occasion; preferably once a week.

#2 Spam mail and fake credit card offers should be banned; I call them fake because they already know my credit rating, and therefore should not be sending me offers for platinum cards I will never get.

#3 Newspapers should work very hard to place good news on page one. The rest of the world can wait... I know it's out there, but I wanna read something good for a change.

#3a If a particular area lacks good news, the comics should be placed on page 1.

Well that's my reality adjustment update for this journal.