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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just How Bad Was Windows Vista?

Just how bad was Windows Vista?
Apparently, it's bad enough that 3/4 of Microsoft's business customers didn't upgrade, according to Microsoft. And the customer aversion to Vista is so strong, that Dell is charging customers $150 extra to downgrade and stay with XP! That's right! The retailer is now charging a whopping $150 for what Microsoft says is outdated software.

I get accused of bashing Microsoft from time to time, and I admit that I do take some pleasure in it. But, seriously! How can I be accused of bashing?
People already know that I'm right. According the statistics above, about 74% of Microsoft customers know I'm right. Microsoft has admitted that I'm right in their own press releases. So why am I accused of bashing when it's apparently common knowledge?

Oh well, for all you die-hard Windows fans out there... here's some YouTube videos you probably won't like.

There were an estimated 30 million Linux users back in 2005. The number is closer to 70 million now.

Linux always keeps up with the latest trends.

Linux can run on just about anything. And it can run just about anything, both Windows and Mac software.


Hazelnutx said...

I know how bad Vista was, I had it. But then again, my computer failed on me twice while owning it.

Since then I have had Windows 7 and haven't had a single issue. I really want to try Linux, but I am such a chicken that I'm going to mess something up. If I weren't in school all the time, I would definitely try it, but for now, I really can't take that risk.
On the other hand... when my husband gets my other computer fixed, I could always take his which has XP and is slower than molasses... and install it on there. This thing is like, so old.. lol. It doesn't even shut down anymore. You have to cold boot it. There is no such thing as restart with this POS.

cypher-neo said...

That old computer would be perfect for Linux, if for no other reason than you would definitely see the marked improvement it makes.

Hazelnutx said...

I see your point. I would love to give it a shot. But I can't take it from him because if I leave him without a computer he'll get upset.
He can't stand mine because I don't use internet explorer and he can't find anything on it. LOL.

But when he moves to my other computer... it's fair game.